Top 5 Healing Stones For Stress & Anxiety

1. Howlite – The White Howlite stone is extremely popular as a calming stone.

It may help aid in:

2. Turquoise – Turquoise is a stone with both physical and emotional healing energy.

Physically – Turquoise is a strengthening stone, good for:

Emotionally – Turquoise is an efficient healer, providing:

3. Tiger’s Eye – Tiger’s Eye is a stone of protection that is often used for strength and focus.

It may help:

4. Dalmatian Jasper – Dalmatian Jasper stone possesses many qualities. This is a stone that aids you to break down barriers that you have created as protection around yourself.

It may help improve:

5. Rose Quartz – Rose quartz is one of the most popular crystals in healing, jewelry, as well as feng shui. Famous for attracting and keeping love, rose quartz is also used when it comes to healing one’s heart from pain and disappointment.