56 Year Old Reveals Her All Natural Anti-Aging Secret

Even at 56, Kathy loves to ask people to guess how old she is. No one ever gets it right and she has fun flattering herself all day long. She has never felt so good about herself. People can’t decide if she is in her 30s or 40s. She can’t remember the last time someone guessed in the 50s. She receives a lot of attention from men half her age and her 32 year old son has been mistaken for her boyfriend more than once. Kathy has been a highly sought after stylist at a popular Hollywood salon for the past 30 years. There isn’t a star whose hair she hasn’t touched she says, claiming they are the worst at guessing her age by far. No one believes she is in her 50s, let alone 56. Every woman in LA wants to know her secret!

A year ago she would have never let anyone know her true age. Around that time Kathy was getting consultations from some of the most famous plastic surgeons in Hollywood. Over the last couple of years, work had slowed down for her. New clients were under the assumption that an older stylist wouldn’t be up to date with the latest styles. She had tried several fancy skin creams that were just leaving her skin dry, irritated and tired looking. After realizing that she had already spent hundreds of dollars on products that didn’t work, she figured that cosmetic surgery was her only hope. Three consultations later, she realized that botox or a facelift just wasn’t her thing. They weren’t in her budget either, she didn’t want to waste thousands of dollars on plastic surgery.

Kathy wished she could find an all natural solution… one that worked.

Meeting and interviewing Kathy was very exciting. She’s so fun, happy and outgoing. Her skin was incredibly firm and smooth, of course her hair was perfect too. She looked more like a celebrity, than a stylist. We met up at her favorite cafe in Santa Monica and I couldn’t wait to start the interview. “Everyone is fascinated by your youthful looks. People really think you’re in your 30s or 40s” I said, carefully trying not to offend her. But I wanted to know how she did it, so I asked and she smiled. “Some say facelifts and injections are the only things that work.” she laughed. “It’s hard for people to believe that anyone could learn such a simple secret to make them look 10 to 20 years younger” “Yes, what’s your secret?” I asked “It’s not really a secret,” she said. “It’s a combination of pure, all natural anti-aging ingredients working together to preserve my youth. Its called Skin Envy but I call it my “youth cocktail”.

After being left disappointed from her consultations and countless wrinkle creams, she decided to start researching different anti-aging techniques and approaches… all-natural ones ones that didn’t involve doctors or fancy chemicals and irritants. It took a while, but she finally found what she was looking for; and it wasnt even hiding. The more Kathy read about these ancient natural and time proven remedies, the more she became interested. She was so impressed that nature had an answer for just about everything, including aging. It was simple. An easy and effective treatment that many Hollywood celebrities have been hiding for years to maintain their ageless appearance.


Kathy’s Secret

The secret behind how Kathy made her skin look tighter, firmer and rid of wrinkles is a potent combination of natural anti-aging ingredients that until recently, very few people knew about. The “Youth Cocktail” as Kathy affectionately calls it, is a careful blend of just 5 Essential Oils; Frankincense, Myrrh, Sandalwood, Vanilla and Coconut. Individually each of these 5 ingredients have been scientifically proven to give even the most tired skin a youthful and resilient appearance. Frankincense has been touted as the number one wrinkle-fighting ingredient in the world. Dermatologists swear by it and recommend it on a daily basis. The collagen regenerating benefits of each of these 5 essential oils have been covered by nearly every talk show host and celebrity doctor out there. Television segments have been made about each one of these unique and powerful ingredients. Imagine the powerhouse of benefits they would provide when working together? The possibilities are endless.

Many skincare and cosmetic companies have tried to find the perfect anti-aging balance using Essential Oils in their products. None of the have been able to get it right. The problem is they use cheap oils and additives filled with harsh chemicals and other synthetic contaminants. In order for the essential oils to work they must be pure and free of additives which dilute their potency. Finding the right balance of these ingredients to blend is a science in itself. After traveling the globe and testing the world’s most prized oils, a determined group of friends and scientists finally found the precise formula. They created a all natural skin serum that actually worked miracles and named it Skin Envy. The amazing all natural formula was developed to replace your wrinkle cream, tightening treatment, eye cream, and dark spot minimizer. It also provides enough moisture to keep your skin hydrated throughout the day and night.

By using Skin Envy daily, Kathy looks half her age! She says that she started seeing visible results after just a few days of using it. Her friends, husband, and even her clients were all shocked. They were convinced she’d been secretly getting filler injections, because her skin looked years younger almost overnight!

How Does It Work?

Through her research, Kathy discovered that the real secret to cell revival and skin rejuvenation is all about the way your products work together. Mixing different products can be disasterous and can even speed up the aging process because it exhausts your skin from trying to keep up with all the different chemicals being put on it.

After learning about using essential oils for anti-aging, she found Skin Envy, the only product she found that contained all of the most potent and proven oils for youthful skin. The powerful wrinkle fighters and antioxidants in Skin Envy help combat and reverse time’s effect on your skin because it helps produce collagen and promote elasticity.

How To Get Results Like Kathy

Kathy purchased Skin Envy directly from the manufacturer, Vitality Extracts. They offer a 60-Day Money Back Satisfaction Guarantee so its risk-free! When I reached out to Vitality Extracts about the interview and story being written up about Kathy and her results, Vitality Extracts offered a limited time promotion for new users. Simply click this link to get over 50% off and a free roll-on bottle with each purchase. Right now, they are offering free shipping too. This offer is limited and won’t last forever. So don’t wait until its too late, take advantage of this incredible offer now. Don’t forget to come back and let us know about your results!

This is a one time purchase with no hidden additional cost or obligations.

UPDATE: These are selling out pretty fast. The company is currently shipping these within 24 hours while in stock. They have several free roll-ons left, but they mentioned that once they run out, the promotion will end. They have a Free Shipping offer too. If you wants to try this out for yourself, now is the time before this amazing deal expires!