Manage Stress And Take Control With These 5 Plant Extract Oils

As an emergency medical technician (EMT), I have one of the top 10 most stressful jobs in the country. When I respond to an emergency, be it a car crash, severe injury, allergic reaction, diabetic coma or childbirth, I have to make split-second decisions. I’m proud of the fact that I help save lives.

But I pay a high price for my adrenaline-fueled career, and ultimately so do those around me. Sometimes when my 24-hour shift is just minutes away from ending, we get a call. I have to stay alert and focused, its hard not be on edge. And it’s not easy to just come home and “get my Netflix on” let go and forget about the stress. Ultimately, the effects of stress from my job compounds over time. The stress accumulates and sticks around well after the last call of the night is over.

Thankfully, I discovered Stress Ease. It’s been amazing at helping me manage my stress thanks to 5 soothing plants. I’ll tell you all about the 5 plants shortly. But first, let me share with you what else I’ve tried to help unwind at the end of a stressful shift.

Reducing Stress With Benzodiazepines

If you have a demanding job like me, you can’t rely on benzodiazepines like Xanax to help. They come with severe side effects that far outweigh their benefits. I tried using a low dose of Xanax to settle down at night. I would wake up feeling so drowsy that I couldn’t get out of bed. I knew there was no way I could take this in the morning before my shift. Luckily I stopped taking it before I became addicted.

While I was looking for safer alternative solutions, one surprisingly found me. After a stressful call, a new EMT pulled out a bottle of something and took a long deep breath. Then, she rubbed the bottle on to her wrists and again took a long breath in. I asked her what she was doing.

She said she was using Stress Ease. And I was very intrigued.

Mother Nature’s Special Formula for Managing Stress 

Stress Ease is a unique blend of 5 plant extracts:

Bergamot reduces stress hormone levels. In one study conducted at a mental health center, bergamot provided several beneficial effects to participants including reduced heart rate, blood pressure, stress responses, depression, and anxiety. The compound, linalool, is a major reason why bergamot helps relax the sympathetic nervous system (your ‘fight or flight’ response to stress).

Sweet orange oil contains natural tranquilizing compounds. It’s so effective, it was used in a study to calm women down who were nervous about going into labor. Another study helped ease nervousness in children who were about to visit the dentist. The sweet orange oil helps slow pulse rate and reduce the level of the stress hormone, cortisol.

Ylang ylang is traditionally used to reduce blood pressure and improve mental function. A study shows that a natural compound in this oil induces calmness by directly acting on the dopamine pathways. Dopamine is a neurotransmitter that plays an important role in relaxation.

Pink grapefruit was shown to be effective as a complementary treatment for anxious patients undergoing medical attention. Pink Grapefruit oil’s uplifting scent is soothing to the senses and helps relaxes tense muscles.

Patchouli oil contains at least 140 different therapeutic compounds. Modern research shows that it contains several different biological activities, including antidepressant activity.   

How Do You Use Stress Ease?

Stress Ease is very simple to use. Each morning I add a few drops of Stress Ease in my diffuser. The uplifting scent helps make sure that I start the day off right. When you order Stress Ease, you get a free roll-on bottle with every bottle you purchase. I use the roll-on bottles to carry and use Stress Ease anytime, anywhere. And like my co-worker showed me, I use the roll-on bottle to apply Stress Ease on my wrist, neck and my new diffuser bracelet.  After just a few deep breaths, I instantly feel a calming, relaxing sensation.

In the evening, I diffuse Stress Ease when I get home from work. After a difficult day, or on bath night, I also add 10-15 drops of Stress Ease to warm water to fully relax my mind and body from head to toe.

There’s simply nothing that works this fast that’s all-natural and has no side effects. Others think so, too! 

Is Stress Ease Guaranteed To Work?

Yes! Stress Ease comes with a 100% risk-free satisfaction guarantee, so you have nothing to lose.

Is Shipping Free?

Yes, shipping is free and they ship within 24 hours. 

Special Promotion

Today, the manufacturer of Stress Ease is offering a remarkable 50% off promotion plus giving away free roll-on bottles with each purchase. You can only purchase Stress Ease direct from the manufacturer, but order now before its too late! Stress Ease sells out often as its demand far outweighs it’s supply. Shipping is free through today’s offer as well. Ordering is fast and easy. Just click this link or the coupon below!