An Early Birthday Gift: 5 Sacred Plants That Will Help You Fall Back in Love With Your Reflection

Virgin coconut sustainably farmed and hand harvested.

What’s the biggest reason you dread your birthday?

Maybe it’s because you’re one year closer to your retirement and you’re worried about not having enough money to outlive your savings?

Or maybe it’s the fear of being alone later in life that’s slowly gnawing at the back of your brain?

And let’s not forget hormonal changes, which can lead to loss of energy, desire and moodiness.

These are all valid concerns about getting older.

But more than anything, the #1 reason women dread celebrating another spin around the sun is this: wrinkles, wrinkles, and more wrinkles.

If losing your looks scares the dickens out of you, it’s totally understandable.

Now imagine there’s a way to not only stop aging but actually reverse it.

And no, it doesn’t involve any nip and tuck procedure. No undergoing the knife. No sticking toxin-filled needles in your face.

Sure, facelifts and Botox may help you look younger. But everybody can tell when somebody gets plastic surgery. It doesn’t look real. Many times, it looks absurd.

So is there a more natural way to look 20 years younger? Is there something that can make you actually look forward to blowing out dozens of candles on your birthday?

Is there anything on Earth that doesn’t look totally fake that can make you stop dead in your tracks as you walk by a mirror, stare at your reflection, and make you say out loud, “I look amazing?”  

The answer: plants.

5 Plants That Are Like Taking A Time Machine Into The Past For Your Skin

For anti-aging, many women have been conditioned to look to the latest product or procedure mentioned in an entertainment magazine.

But the truth is plants are the most effective thing on the planet for shrinking fine lines, wrinkles, crow’s feet, crepey neck and age spots.

And now, thousands of women are rediscovering the astonishing anti-aging effects of essential oils of the following 5 plants:  


Best known as an inflammation fighter, frankincense essential oil (FREO), now has the backing of science proving its ability to repair the skin’s connective tissues. A 2017 study was the first to confirm FREO’s skin-repairing potential.

How does frankincense work?

FREO is like a contractor who gives your house a complete makeover. This storied plant from the Bible repairs damage to type III collagen. Type III collagen is one of the most abundant types of protein in your skin cells.

When type III collagen is damaged, cells within the dermis layer of your skin becomes damaged. FREO comes to the rescue by regenerating and repairing the connective tissue in your skin. The result is healthier-looking, less-saggy skin.   


Another legendary plant from antiquity is myrrh oil. But myrrh is no longer just for perfume and anointing. Research now confirms it’s wonderful skin-healing potential. It’s been shown to be effective for skin infections, acne, blemishes, cracked skin, dermatitis, eczema, scars and wrinkles.

How does myrrh work?

Natural chemical compounds in myrrh, called “terpenes” moisturize and tightens the skin, penetrating deeply into not only the first two layers of the skin (the epidermis and dermis) but also the hypodermis, which is where your type III collagen connective tissue is found.

Also, myrrh eradicates harmful bacteria on your skin and accelerates the contraction of collagen fibers. The result is tighter and firmer skin.


Another plant oil used for religious rites, sandalwood oil has also been used for helping people feel more relaxed. But recently, its anti-inflammatory properties have been studied for its strong effects on fighting skin conditions such as psoriasis and atopic dermatitis.

Even if you don’t have a skin disease, sandalwood makes your skin look younger by preventing and reversing age spots.

How does sandalwood work?

A component of sandalwood, “Alpha-santalol,” inhibits an enzyme called tyrosinase, a key enzyme in the production of melanin, your body’s main skin pigment. Because of this action, Sandalwood stops the aging process from exposure to ultraviolet light and minimizes the appearance of wrinkles. Plus, it’s a natural antiseptic for your skin. (You can ditch those toxic creams, soaps and lotions!)


When it comes to treating your skin, vanilla oil is heaven sent. In fact, a 2018 study in the International Journal of Molecular Sciences suggests vanilla is one of the best plants for repairing the skin’s protective barrier.

How does vanilla work?

Vanilla contains a powerful antioxidant that gives the flavor its name—vanillic acid. Vanillic acid has been shown in research to whiten the skin. Vanilla oil is also like a multivitamin for your skin. It contains many of the B vitamins, such as niacin, thiamin, riboflavin, vitamin B6, and pantothenic acid. All of these nutrients nourish the skin and make the skin look younger and have more of a natural glow.


Coconut oil has become popular in the kitchen. But research shows it’s also great for making your skin look younger.

How does coconut oil work?

It penetrates the deepest layer of your skin, providing it with much needed hydration. Research shows that its fatty acids repair the skin barrier; has anti-aging properties; and fights harmful bacteria and inflammation.

The Easiest Way to Turn Back The Clock With These 5 Incredible Anti-Aging Oils

You don’t have to be an expert in aromatherapy and essential oils to look younger, quickly.

In fact, in as little as a few days, you can start using these 5 oils. And within a couple weeks, you’ll start noticing younger looking skin.

Skin Envy is a breakthrough new product. It’s a proprietary blend of the 5 plant oils.

For today only, you can get a free roll-on bottle of Skin Envy.

But you have to act fast because thanks to social media the word is out. Thousands of women across the U.S. who have never before used essential oils for their skin have become astonished by the anti-aging power of these 5 plant oils.

As a result, supply is running critically low.

You can see for yourself above why these 5 plant oils are incredible for your skin. But when they are combined in the perfect ratio, with nothing added to them, each oil’s powerful effects are even more powerful.

If you want to go from dreading your birthdays to celebrating them with unabashed joy, Skin Envy is the anti-aging serum you’ve been waiting for.

Hurry! Get your free bottle of Skin Envy now >>