5 Wonderful Ways to Use Tea Tree Essential Oil

As a disinfectant and anti-fungal agent, tea tree essential oil can be used in a number of ways—from cleaning your house to getting rid of nail fungus.

It comes from a plant in Australia and contains antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, antiviral, and anti-fungal properties, offering a number of therapeutic benefits.

Quick notes, when used topically, it’s important to dilute by adding a drop of tea tree to several drops of carrier oil before applying. Do a patch test first by applying a small amount to your arm to make sure you don’t have a reaction to it and that it doesn’t cause irritation to your skin. For more information on how to dilute oils click here.

Also, if you’re pregnant or breast feeding, check with your doctor before using.


Nail fungus

Nail fungus can be tough to clear up so it may take a while, but Tea Tree Essential Oil has been shown to work as well as some over-the-counter treatments.

Before applying your diluted Tea Tree oil, trim and/or file your nails. Soak a cotton ball with your mixture then apply to affected areas.

In addition, try soaking your feet a few times a week. In a plastic tub or bucket of warm water, add a solution of approximately one tablespoon of carrier oil with 5 drops of Tea Tree oil. Soak for 20 minutes.


Insect Repellent

Many of the products made to keep bugs away contain toxins. Tea Tree Essential Oil has many benefits to human, but can be toxic to insects which means you should keep it away from your pets.

Keep mosquitoes and other bugs away by diffusing tea tree or dilute with carrier oil and apply to your skin by dabbing a small amount on your wrists, behind your knees and ears, and around your ankles. If you do get bit, you can use that same mixture for relief by simply applying to the bite.

For pest control such as ants in your home, mix a few drops of tea tree with water and then wipe out your cupboards.


All-purpose cleaner

Tea Tree Oil is a great disinfectant. Use it to clean anything and everything in your house and office—windows, floors, bathrooms, and kitchen. Avoid using on granite or marble, though, as this solution could damage the stone.

Add a few drops to your diffuser to purify the air around your house.

Dry Skin

Reduce and relieve the irritation and itching of dry skin with tea tree oil. It’s soothing and healing. It can help with eczema and psoriasis.

As mentioned above, dilute with carrier oil before applying to your skin at least once a day. It can also be used for dandruff.

As with your skin, try a patch test before using on your entire scalp. You can simply add a drop or two of tea tree to your regular shampoo.


The antibacterial properties are good for treating acne. Use your diluted mixture to apply on affected areas.

Or make a mask with a couple of drops of tea tree mixed with clay powder and apple cider vinegar to desired consistency. Allow to dry for about 15 minutes before rinsing.

Those are five of the many wonderful ways to use Tea Tree Essential Oil in your home.