How to Make A Bathroom Spray

What better way to keep the bathroom smelling fresh, whether it’s your own or someone else’s, than with a bottle of homemade bathroom spray. No need to worry about leaving a distasteful odor when you really need to go. Make your own toilet spray using essential oils.

No toxins or harmful chemicals when you make it yourself. You can you a small spray bottle for a purse-sized product, and larger ones for home and office.

What makes this bathroom spray different than bathroom air fresheners is that you spray it directly into the toilet before you go—spritz in the bowl about five times—it’ll keep the restroom smelling good. The spray creates a film over the toilet water so the odors can’t escape and the essential oils give it a nice fragrance.

Tips before you make your own bathroom spray:

To make a Simple DIY Bathroom Spray, combine in a 2-ounce spray bottle:

Bathroom Spray Recipe 1

Combine and put into a spray bottle:

Bathroom Spray Recipe 2

Combine and put into a 2-ounce spray bottle:

After the above ingredients are in the spray bottle, add distilled water almost to the top of the bottle.

Bathroom Spray Recipe 3

Combine and put into a 4-ounce spray bottle:


How to use your bathroom spray

Shake well and give five or so short sprays into the toilet before you sit down. It’ll keep your bathroom smelling fresh.