5 All-Natural Ways to Successfully Manage Your Dog’s Stress

Today, it’s common for dog parents to be concerned with their pet’s behavior, particularly when left alone. A little mischief and misbehaving are common among all dogs when left by themselves for long lengths of time, no matter how routine it is for them. From aggression and destruction to “accidents” and excessive barking, these aren’t indications that your dog is bad or poorly trained, but just upset, even sad or scared.

In truth, it is likely that your four-legged best friend suffers from separation anxiety. This condition is often triggered when dogs are separated from their guardians, the ones they love and trust the most. Separation anxiety is stressful for both dogs and their owners. On the extreme side, behavior may include trying to escape or self-injury.

But what’s the solution?

It’s not realistic for you to quit your job, stay with your pet all day long, or even take your pet with you whenever you leave the house. Luckily, there is an effective remedy for your dog’s stress and anxiety—in fact, there are 5 safe, all-natural solutions that can successfully ensure your dog feels comfortable and at peace every time they are left alone.

  1. More Exercise

One of the best and healthiest ways to deal with a dog’s anxiety is to walk him regularly, making certain he gets plenty of exercise before you leave for the day. Taking a walk each morning isn’t just great for your dog, but for you, too. If your dog demonstrates aggressive or destructive behavior, he may need a few more walks throughout the day, even if they are short ones. Exercise is important for all breeds of dogs, as it will keep them calm and relaxed by lowering their blood pressure. Consistent walks will also lower the dog’s risk of depression and strengthen their heart and bones.

  1. Thoroughly Massage

When your four-legged best friend seems to be in a particular mood, pacing or panting around the house, try giving him a little bit more attention by massaging his back, rubbing his tummy, and gently squeezing his larger muscles. A thorough massage can help reduce the nervousness in your pet’s body, specifically by soothing the joints and bones, offering relief for any built-up tightness or tension caused by stress. Further, this act will increase your dog’s circulation, strengthen his immune system, encourage deeper breathing, and promote his overall well-being. Studies have recently shown that these types of interactions aren’t just great for animals, but humans, too, as it is a great method to decrease stress.

  1. New Toys

Toys are therapeutic to pets, often lulling them into a tranquil state-of-mind. Dogs who suffer from separation anxiety benefit greatly from playful activity. If you’ve noticed your dog’s behavior has gotten worse, whether it be depression or severe barking, there are toys and puzzles specifically made to help soothe your pet. These toys include soft, snuggly pillows that have heat packets and rubber balls that have unpredictable bouncing abilities, as well as compartments to hide food and treats.

  1. Play Music

Much like humans, dogs take comfort in music, particularly music that has slower rhythms, fewer instruments, and simple melodies. Research has shown that music positively affects both the nervous and cardiovascular system. In fact, many animal hospitals, kennels, and rescue shelters use music as a form of therapy for pets. Dogs hear at a much higher frequency than humans, so the lower the music the better, which can help calm and relax your pet when he’s showing signs of stress or anxiety.

  1. Peaceful Pup

Using a natural calming oil is the easiest way to relieve your dog’s stress and nervousness, which are symptoms associated with separation anxiety. A veterinarian favorite, Peaceful Pup is a safe, all-natural dog calming oil specially crafted to treat separation anxiety. It’s carefully blended with just 7 calming plant extracts. There are no harmful chemicals, additives, or synthetics. Think of it as Mother Nature coming to the rescue!

The ingredients of Peaceful Pup include:

  • Lavender Oil
  • Chamomile Oil
  • Geranium Oil
  • Frankincense Oil
  • Cypress Oil
  • Lemon Oil
  • Almond Oil

Lavender oil has been used for centuries to alleviate anxiety and calm the central nervous system. Its strong aromatherapy properties positively impact the mood and soothe the mind. Chamomile oil reduces irritability, relaxes the muscles, and is a mild and safe tranquilizer. Geranium Oil is great for treating restlessness. Frankincense oil helps steady the heart rate, blood pressure, and breathing, and works as a natural antidepressant. Cypress oil removes toxins while simultaneously boosting the mood and regulating blood flow. Lemon oil works like a natural alternative to Xanax, reducing body tension, and nervousness. Almond oil is the carrier oil used to ensure the solution is 100% safe and healthy for all breeds.

Peaceful Pup has carefully measured and blended each of these ingredients together into one convenient bottle. These ingredients all offer potent, tranquil qualities on there own, but blended together help relax and put your best friend at ease for hours at a time.

How to Use Peaceful Pup

First, diffuse the solution in the room that is commonly occupied by your dog an hour before you leave. Then, right before you go, simply apply Peaceful Pup directly to his body— just gently rub it through his fur. Almost instantly, a calming, peaceful sensation will take over, putting him at complete ease. You will receive a free roll-on bottle of Peaceful Pup with your purchase, making it easy to use the solution on walks, at the park, and even at the airport because it’s TSA-approved. That’s right: no more difficult or uncomfortable traveling with your best friend.

All of the above techniques are great to incorporate into you and your dog’s daily routine. While it is not always easy to keep up with all of these activities, it is safe and easy to use Peaceful Pup daily.

Fortunately ordering Peaceful Pup is easy too—there is nothing safer, more natural, convenient, or effective.

Special Offer

Right now—today only—Peaceful Pup is running a 50% OFF and Free Bottle promotion. With your purchase, you receive a free roll-on bottle of Peace Pup. In fact, the more bottles you buy, the more free bottles you will receive (limit three free bottles per transaction). This offer is limited and expires today. Don’t miss out! Take advantage of this incredible, one-time offer now, and then come back and share your results.

Just click this link or the coupon below to get 50% off of Peaceful Pup and receive a free bonus bottle!

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