Does Your Mind Need A Spring Cleaning?

Spring is a time of rebirth and new life. Just like plants, it seems people, too, come more alive after short winter days. It’s a great time to spring clean, not only your house, but your mind.

What are some easy ways you can spring clean your mind?

Start by cleaning your closets and cabinets. Getting rid of all your excess belongings, the products that have been expired for months, etc. Cleaning out these areas is a symbolic gesture to the universe that you are also cleaning out the closets of your mind.

Recognize which aspects of your life only bring in negativity.

Clean the mind by getting rid of bad habits like smoking or too much alcohol, which affect both the body and mind. How often have you overdone something, such as eating too much, and then beat yourself up for it? Nope, that’s not good for the mind.

Identify which relationships are toxic for your mental health.

These relationships often bring in uncertainty, criticism, lack of emotional support. Declutter your mind by cleansing your life of the people who bring in these aspects.

Switch negative thoughts with gratitude.

The best way to do this is to become more aware of what’s taking up space in your mind. Catch your thoughts; replace them with something you’re grateful for. Do you have a friend who might like to exchange daily emails listing 10 things that you’re grateful for? You can include things that are bothering you, too, and eventually you’ll find that you’re more accepting of everything and everyone just the way they are.

Our Inner Peace Essential Oil Blend can help guide you back to finding your true inner self, not what your mind or society is telling you how you to act or think.

One important way to become more mindful is through a daily practice of meditation.

While you’re meditating, good choices of essential oils to diffuse include Myrrh, Frankincense, or the Align Blend. This blend is good for balancing the chakras, helping you become more aligned, and managing negative thoughts that pop in your head randomly throughout the day.

Another good way to spring clean your mind is to make sure you get a good night’s sleep so you wake up feeling refreshed. Vitality Extracts’ Sweet Dreams Blend of Orange, Juniper Berry, Lavender, German Chamomile, and Coriander Seed calms the nerves, helps with insomnia, and improves the quality and duration of sleep. Dilute with a carrier oil and apply topically (try the bottoms of your feet) or add a 3-5 few drops into a diffuser.

Exercise is another great way to clear your mind—and stay in shape.

Working out releases endorphins, which releases a chemical that minimizes discomfort in your brain that leads to a feeling of happiness. Try different things such as swimming, biking, or yoga.  Combine cardio with strength like weights, resistance bands, pushups, and pull-ups. Then wrap it up with stretching- which is not only great for your body it also becomes a form of meditation similar to yoga.

Need a little motivation to get moving? Try Peppermint or Lemon essential oils or Vitality Extracts’ Energy Blend, which helps uplift mood, increase energy and blood flow, clear the mind, rejuvenate mind and body, and balance stress and anxiety.

Recover following your workout with Deep Muscle Essential Oil Blend, one of the most invigorating and enjoyable natural ways to manage everyday aches and pains.

Handling stress is a necessary step in spring cleaning your mind.

Stress Away Essential Oil Blend is a natural solution created to ease the normal stresses that creep into everyday life. It’s a combination of BergamotSweet OrangeYlang-ylang, Pink grapefruit, and Patchouli. It helps induce relaxation, reduce nervous tension, uplift, and regenerate. Mix with carrier oil and apply topically or add a few drops to a diffuser.

Cleaning is cleansing—whether it’s your closet or your mind. When all is said and done, it feels good. Become a new you by incorporating new habits into your life. Add to those habits with essential oils that help you achieve your goals.


Start Your Spring Cleanse Now!

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  • christi bieker

    Thank You.
